June 10th was the day. My lil bubba (my oldest nephew) celebrated his 8th birthday. And you know from my other blogs the work that we put in! I have to say I think it went off well. Sal (my sister) came and picked me up at 9 so we had about an hour to put everything together. I was up pretty late the night before with the final details. For Ian's gift I helped Rob make a replica of the bell hop hat that was in the movie. I also worked on making a spectacular hair accessory worthy of my crazy green velvet "curtain" dress!

This is the hat as it dried. The saftey pins are there to hold the ribbon in place. We made it from foam, felt and ribbon. I added an elastic string to hold it under his chin.
Rob added a hand made Hollywood Tower Hotel logo.

We were both so excited to show it to Bubba. We also put the finishing touches on the pinata. As you know from my other blog, we decided the actual tower of terror pinata we had originally made was just too cool to beat with a stick. So my friend Yoli came up with the idea of making just an elevator pinata. Yeah. Just an elevator...of course Rob and I went crazy again and this is what we came up with.

Our elevator features a photo from the movie of the five lost elevator passengers. I left the picture outside and the sprinklers came on...so the photo was warped and the ink ran. My sister was worried...I thought it looked even cooler and more ghostly! I made my handpainted "marble" with white acrylic paint on black foam and the little elevator numbers were printed out from the website. Rob added weird burned wires and a burned outlet as "cables" and a "hatch". They were found items from a burn job he was working on. Came in handy, huh?
I painted the werid green glow around the passengers, and the "fog" around their feet. Not bad for paper, glue and a lil paint!
This is the hair accessory I made for myself. Its a cluster of tiny roses, some glitter, rhinestones and my favorite black marabou feathers! I added some of my favorite black jeweled netting, too.
I also made some little gift bags for my lindy dancers that came to do a dance demonstration. From Sacramento's "midtown stomp"-the nicest people ever. I put together some Ignition goodies for the girls

An orchid, a cherry blossom and a hydraengya bloom.
The plan for the party was Lindy dancing from 10 to 11, cake and presents from 11-12 and The Tower of Terror movie projected on the wall from 12-2. I think it went off really well and we stayed right on schedule. One of the guests was so impressed she wants to hire me to do a party for me. Yay, me!
We gave Bubba his hat/gift right away so he could greet his guests as the hotel bell hop.
How really cute is that!?
Me, My sister and my lil man-feeling pretty accomplished, ready for guests!
Bubba and his Tower of Terror!

Whats a fella got to do around here to get a drink?
Don't mind if I do!
Boo is wearing one of the 40ish corsages and buttioneres I made for the kids.
Here my Boo enjoys some "pink champagne" we had champagne saucers and chilled sparking juice, and a punch fountain as well. Very festive. My nephews LOVE the drink fountain!

Arriving guests got a free lesson in the Charleston from our fabulous Lindy dancers.

The setting of the Eastern Star Temple and Ballroom couldnt have been more perfect.

Even Yoli made a cameo!
Here I am dragging my protesting baby out of their five million square foot kitchen-the galley was perfect for pushing his "caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!

All the dancing made it really heat up in there! Boo and her school chum cool off in front of the (NOT period!!) fan!
The tower of terror photo cake! Yay!

Present time!

My husband as the human pinata holder! Jeez! Luckily, no one got hurt.

Then it was movie time......

It was the perfect ending. Kids munched popcorn, some stayed for little bit, a few stayed till the end. We ended the afternoon with another tour of the entire building, including the spectacular old giant ballroom. Amazing, eerie, charming, beautiful. I especially liked the coat and hat check areas. I imagined all of the grand gentlemen and ladies who visted, danced, partied. I tried to envision what it must have looked like back then. It is definatley a treasure to our city and our state. If you get a chance, pop in-or you know, throw a big party there! ;)