Our elevator features a photo from the movie of the five lost elevator passengers. I left the picture outside and the sprinklers came on...so the photo was warped and the ink ran. My sister was worried...I thought it looked even cooler and more ghostly! I made my handpainted "marble" with white acrylic paint on black foam and the little elevator numbers were printed out from the website. Rob added weird burned wires and a burned outlet as "cables" and a "hatch". They were found items from a burn job he was working on. Came in handy, huh?
I painted the werid green glow around the passengers, and the "fog" around their feet. Not bad for paper, glue and a lil paint!
This is the hair accessory I made for myself. Its a cluster of tiny roses, some glitter, rhinestones and my favorite black marabou feathers! I added some of my favorite black jeweled netting, too.
An orchid, a cherry blossom and a hydraengya bloom.
The plan for the party was Lindy dancing from 10 to 11, cake and presents from 11-12 and The Tower of Terror movie projected on the wall from 12-2. I think it went off really well and we stayed right on schedule. One of the guests was so impressed she wants to hire me to do a party for me. Yay, me!
We gave Bubba his hat/gift right away so he could greet his guests as the hotel bell hop.
How really cute is that!?
Me, My sister and my lil man-feeling pretty accomplished, ready for guests!
Bubba and his Tower of Terror!
Don't mind if I do!
Boo is wearing one of the 40ish corsages and buttioneres I made for the kids.
Here my Boo enjoys some "pink champagne" we had champagne saucers and chilled sparking juice, and a punch fountain as well. Very festive. My nephews LOVE the drink fountain!
Here I am dragging my protesting baby out of their five million square foot kitchen-the galley was perfect for pushing his "caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
All the dancing made it really heat up in there! Boo and her school chum cool off in front of the (NOT period!!) fan!
The tower of terror photo cake! Yay!
We joked that we don't have many pictures of us together because I always take her picture and she always takes mine. But here it is! :)
Vending outside was very nice and somewhat profitable indeed. It was not too hot and there was a very good mix of people milling by. I think we were really on a roll when jazz disaster struck!
A roving jazz marching band came along and parked themselves right in front of Willemina's. We thought it was amusing at first. They started their set with a fun horn filled version of Madness's "Our House". I got some video-you can check it out in my myspace videos. Then they kept playing. And playing. And playyyyyyyyyyyying. ugh. Jazz zombies from all corners of the jubilee came and with video cameras and glazed eyes and mouth breathing and stopped right in front of our table. The sidewalk jammed. The area clogged. Fanny packs and well fed booties knocked and shook our table. Hair flowers went flying. Sales died.
At some point I went for a potty (and drink!) break inside with Dara. Then we got stuck ourselves because Sacramento's own Tip Top Trio well well in swing! So I watched in the cool, dark space of Willemina's as those boys were tearin' it up.
I went back upstairs and was happy to see the marching band has ceased and moved on. The bad news was, so did every body else. With Dara's prompting, Yoli and I decided to call it a day and we went back down stairs to enjoy the rest of Tip Top Trio's set.
We ordered up some beers, chicken wings and fries and made ourselves real comfortable right in the very front of the club! It was just great.
I freaking LOVE this band. We chatted here and there during their breaks. I learned they played on Thursday night, they played their 5 hour show that day at Willemina's, they had a party they were playing that night and they have another 5 hour gig at Willemina's today (sunday.)
I joked with them they were in the midst of a "Rockabilly Triathalon"! They are some crazy dedicated musicians, and real swell guys, too.
When the show was "over" Dara and I went out to the back patio of Willemina's for some rockabilly improv sing along silliness courtesy of Tip Top Trio and members of the Maniac Cadillacs. I laughed so hard I screwed up my eyeliner and made my face hurt. Good stuff.
Yoli had ducked out to tend to her "day job". And as Willemina's was being set up for a private party, Dara and I made our exit.
Dara was driving me home when I got a phone call from Yoli saying that she was done working and our friend Marcella was "on a mission" and that I should meet them at Benny's. Well, Dara turned the car around but as we pulled up to Benny's we realized that at barely 8pm the place was not even open yet. I called Yoli back and we settled on Sacramento's "Depot" a local gay bar. I had never been there, and was a little wary about hanging out by myself there waiting for my girls. I tried to beg Dara to come with me, but she had hungry doggies waiting for her at home.
So looking like a rockabilly drag queen with what I started refering to as my "satelite dish" on my head,(I made a giant arrangement of my favorite stargazer lillies especially for the jazz jubilee.) I went into the depot for a beer.
Soon enough the girls came and Marcella bought a pitcher. Good conversation and I enjoyed the breeze coming through the open Depot windows and how empty midtown was with everyone down at the jubilee or gone for the weekend.
We then decided on going on to Benny's, now that it was later. Yoli busted out her fun light up hooka with some tasty mango tabacco. We smoked and had beers till it was just too chilly to stay out side. ( I was also getting annoyed with some drunktarded sorority type chicks loudly singing some crappy top forty song.)
Our next plan was to see the White Barons play at the Distellery. En route, I decided to text Amy to make sure I had not missed her play. He answered back via voicemail that their van broke down and the show had been cancelled. Bummer!
We ended our evening at Hot Rod's for a bite to eat and really crappy music videos. (fun to make fun of!)